Bob Kiddle

I trained as a celebrant so that I could provide local people with a friendly, meaningful and professional alternative to a traditional religious funeral.  People can come together to say goodbye and to celebrate all that was good and beautiful in the life of the person who has died without the need to involve religion.   The ceremony can be as formal or as informal as you wish.  It may include relatives and friends.  It can include music and readings that reflect something of how you feel.  There will usually be a time for reflection in which everyone can remember in their own way.  That makes space for people of faith to say a quiet prayer if they wish.  Humanist ceremonies are inclusive of everyone and respectful of cultural traditions.

I have lived and worked in Doncaster for more than forty years – teaching at Hungerhill School at Edenthorpe and, more recently working with teachers in a great many schools in the region.

I am a good listener.  My communications skills, gained over many years in teaching, help me to understand how to create a ceremony that is authentic for that person and reflects what you want.



Just wanted to say thank you once again for yesterday.  It was everything we had hoped for and there were lots of positive comments about the service from people who attended.  We all felt you captured Ronnie’s life and personality perfectly and came away feeling                                 pretty good about it all.  I’m so glad we saw your page as we all feel you were a perfect fit.                                                                   Elaine October 2020

I will commit to working with you to create a ceremony that honours the person who has died, reflecting their character and personality.  It will be caring, meaningful, honest and dignified.   Every ceremony is unique because each person is unique so the focus will be on the individual: how they lived their life, who they were, what they meant to you and to everyone who knew them.  I have written about the whole process in more detail on a separate page.  Click here or click on the ‘Page 2’ tab above.

I realise this is an important decision for you at a difficult time and I understand that you might find it helpful to talk things over before deciding on a celebrant.   Give me a ring (07941 224857)  I’ll be very happy to talk with you before you make any commitment.

“I really feel that you captured him perfectly, you were obviously listening to what
I said about him and you dealt with some rather difficult bits beautifully”
Pam,  June 2019