About Me

photograph of Emily

I’m Emily, a celebrant accredited by Humanists UK. I have the great privilege of creating and conducting personalised and unique naming, funeral and wedding ceremonies.

As a person without religion (not an anti-religious person), and someone who looks to scientific evidence and reason to make sense of the world, I am proud to be a humanist.   I guess my tag line (without sounding too self-righteous, I hope) would be that I live life as wholly, kindly and bravely as I can, and I accept my responsibility for leaving the world better than I found it.

So why a humanist ceremony?

In almost every walk of life, funerals, weddings and naming ceremonies hold important moments in peoples lives.  Regardless of culture, religion or society, these occasions often share the same joy, sadness, friendship, validation and hope.  I firmly believe that each child welcomed, marriage made, and  life lived, has a unique story to tell.  My job is to make this narrative real, and to enable you to celebrate it with others.  By spending time with you, listening to you and understanding your wishes, we can carefully reflect on a life, or rejoice in a love, capturing the essence of an occasion to make it meaningful, memorable and hopefully, a bit magical too – in a nut shell; a ceremony you are completely happy with.

Be it a celebration of someone’s life or a celebration of marriage, a humanist ceremony provides an opportunity for all those present to reflect and remember or to love and to laugh, in the most fitting of occasions.


You will find more information about the ceremonies I conduct in the above tabs, but for any queries or clarification,  please feel free to call me and have a chat – whether you chose to use me as your celebrant or not – I am more than happy to help.

Thank you,


07811 210 232
