About Me

If you book me as your celebrant, part of my job will be to ask you and your partner a LOT of questions, so I can fashion a ceremony that fits you as well as your wedding ring/gloves/bra/dentures (delete as appropriate). You don’t have to, but you may want to tell me not only about your relationship, but
also your families and friends, what you do for work and play, and your hopes and dreams for the future. The more I know, the more personal your ceremony can be. With this in mind, I thought I’d redress the balance in advance by telling you a bit about myself – something I promise NOT to do at your wedding!
I am 30 years old. I grew up in Bristol and then Salisbury, went to study music in Leeds in 2008 and accidentally stayed for 10 years before moving to lovely Manchester in 2019. The North made me the woman I am today, and the West Country still lives in my bones (and my liberal use of the phrase ‘that’s lush’). I now live in Whalley Range with my partner Reece Jacob, who is also a musician. We have been together for 6 years, but have played in bands together for over 12. We reckon we will get married if we have children and of course, we would have a humanist ceremony.
I’m a double bassist, singer, composer and creative practitioner. In my early twenties I also trained as a luthier (a violin restorer). If you’re interested I’ve just put links at the bottom of the post to some of the projects and organisations I work for so this doesn’t end up reading too much like a CV!
I’ve always used music an excuse to meet and connect with people, which is, fundamentally, the thing I am most interested in. Working as a creative practitioner means I get to make music in all sorts of settings: nursing homes, homeless shelters, refugee centres, mainstream and special needs schools. I love the variety and unpredictability that comes with this job, and it has fostered some useful and surprisingly transferable celebrant skills. I am not easily fazed, can think on my feet in unexpected situations, and I’ve mastered the fine art of commanding the attention of large groups of excitable people.
What else? I love outdoor swimming, wild or otherwise, exploring and travelling when I can. I also love audiobooks and radio 4. I am extremely good at lighting fires and making friends with cats that do not belong to me. I think I am much better at yoga and climbing than I actually am, but I make up with enthusiasm what I lack in skill.