Rainbow Flag

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A while ago, I was fortunate to attend a star-studded ‘West-End’ funeral with more F-words than the vicar had ever heard in his church (courtesy of Jim Davidson).  Songs from the shows (Michael Ball & Stephen Kirwan). Extracts from the deceased’s diaries (Rob Brydon & Ronnie Corbett) and a very moving Eulogy (Paul McCartney) all at the same service!  I thought to myself at the time; that’s the way to do it!  It’s certainly how I’m going.

The LGBT Community can be justifiably proud of their history of creating some of the most iconic moments in choreography, music, theatre (and especially musical-theatre).  And even if the Arts are not your bag – you might be a scientist or sportsman, bricklayer or barista – there’s no shame in plundering the wealth of material provided over the decades by a whole host of stars and songsmiths; poets and playwrights, rogues and raconteurs from around the world, when planning a funeral with a gay gloss.

If you would like a send-off that is glamorous, uplifting, saucy and fun yet retains a soupçon of dignity to cover your (and their) modesty then I might just be able to help.

Having said that, if your loved-one was more the reserved and restrained type who baulked at both Eurovision and RuPaul and you feel they would appreciate something a little less ‘showy’, something with a little less pizzazz, then I can do that as well.



Last year, LGBT Humanists celebrated a remarkable milestone – its 45th anniversary. For nearly half a century, it has been a driving force, championing compassion, reason, and human rights across the country.

Back in 1979, LGBT Humanists (then the Gay Humanists Group) officially launched at the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE) Brighton Conference.  Its mission; to challenge ignorance, superstition, dogma and bigotry, encouraging gay humanists to express their identities and beliefs with confidence.

Today, LGBT Humanists proudly continues this tradition whilst promoting an understanding of humanism amongst the wider LGBT community.