What to expect at the family meeting

This is a hugely important step for many and it the first time I will typically meet a family.  I know that family members often worry in advance of a meeting as they worry they won’t remember everything, or indeed anything.

Please don’t worry.  Indeed many say afterwards how much they enjoyed talking about the person who is to be remembered in such a positive way.

Simply gather your close family and perhaps best friends and for an hour or two, we’ll simply have a chat about the person you wish to celebrate.    I will prompt you with leading questions, but the meeting isn’t an interview or a interrogation, it’s just a lovely friendly chat.  It isn’t formal, and taking a break is a natural part of the chat.

After the meeting I will turn your words and memories into a tribute script and then check this with you a few days before the ceremony.  When I write a tribute, I always try to relate to events that happened during the life of the person to create a rich and interesting story not only of them, but of their experiences too, keeping a positive slant on everything.

We can always include readings, poems and music choices into the service too.

07753 822393  jwellsguroo@gmail.com