A Humanist Celebrant?


What is Humanism?
I have been a Humanist for far longer than I knew the name for it!

Humanists do not believe in a god. We believe it is possible to live a good and fulfilling life without following a traditional religion and Humanists value reason, and rely on science to explain the way things are.

We believe that people have one life to live – with no afterlife. As a result we focus on making the most of our lives and try to help others lead happy lives too.

We have a strong interest in, and concern for, human welfare, values, and dignity.

          What’s a celebrant?

A Celebrant is someone who writes and performs non-religious ceremonies. In my case I choose to only perform funerals.

My accreditation by Humanists UK gives you a reassurance that I have been properly trained and assessed and that the quality of my writing and presentation of my ceremonies is of a high standard. We have to maintain our accreditation with professional development and peer reviews .

Being accredited by Humanist UK means  and I am part of a group of local Humanist UK Celebrants and as such we support and encourage each other.

What is a Humanist Funeral like?

A Humanist funeral is the celebration of a life and an opportunity to say goodbye in a caring and dignified way. A humanist service does not contain prayers or hymns, but rather it reflects the personality of your loved one. It can include music and photo tributes. It recognises the profound sadness of saying goodbye whilst celebrating the life and legacy of a loved one.

Ceremonies are often held at crematoria, cemeteries or at natural burial grounds but sometimes people choose to have a memorial after a cremation- maybe in a garden- or a different place entirely or have the ceremony when ashes are being interred.

Why not call me to discuss what you would like and if you decide that I sound like the kind of person you could trust with your loved one’s funeral, we can meet* and I will craft a tribute in a personalised, positive and sensitive way. I then produce a draft script for your ceremony which we can discuss and amend as you wish; I always remember it is your ceremony.


*While the Covid pandemic is creating difficulties, I am happy to use Zoom, or WhatsApp video or audio calls- or simply have a normal telephone call. Depending upon the regulations and situation, I may well be able to come and meet you, in person.

It often works well to have two or even three family members to give me information about a loved one. The more I know about your loved one, the better I can represent them in the Tribute.