

Frances’s husband was a quizzer, he liked to compete, but he was also a quiz master. When her grandson suggested a quiz at the wake she was initially a little anxious, what would people think, was it appropriate? Frances went ahead with the quiz idea, and it was a triumph. Her grandson compiled the questions mostly about his grandfather’s life and passions. The quiz questions sparked memories and had everyone laughing and sometimes crying, but everyone agreed it was a lovely idea and they all learned something about Frances’s husband that they didn’t know before.

Scatter tubes

I like scatter tubes, they look much nicer than the plastic urns or even cardboard boxes that ashes may be returned in, they can include pictures that tell a little of the nature of the deceased such as birds or country views. I had a thought the other evening as I watched my husband pouring himself a measure of his favourite scotch. This particular bottle comes in a lovely sturdy cardboard tube with a tight-fitting lid and would make an ideal scatter tube for a whiskey lover! Very personal and costs nothing if you already have one in. You could even toast the deceased with his favourite whiskey during the scattering ceremony.