About Stu

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I was born and raised in west Cumbria. After completing my degree in Physics at Durham University, I joined the Royal Air Force as a pilot. Initially I flew fixed-wing aircraft, then moved across to rotary-wing types. Following a masters degree in aerospace engineering, I gained my charted engineer status with the Royal Aeronautical Society. I am now back in the fixed-wing world.

I discovered humanism four years ago through a humanist friend. Once I discovered what humanism was, I immediately joined Humanists UK and haven’t looked back since. I am now accredited in all three areas overseen by Humanists UK: school speaker, non-religious pastoral support worker and celebrant. I thoroughly enjoy all these aspects of active humanism, and I am hopeful of becoming a fully qualified humanist emotional support worker (aka chaplain) on the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) masters degree course.