Namings can be joyous occasions, with lots of fun and colour. Naming ceremonies are incredibly versatile, they can be adapted to suit a variety of venues and a variety of occasions. Only our imagination is the limit.
They don’t have to be for children, you may find yourself transitioning from one identity to another and want to mark the new you and the person you will be going forward.
They can be full of flair, magic and mystery, with a little bit of poignancy added for good measure.
Importantly, namings do not mean bringing people into humanism; they are non-religious, inclusive and secular in nature. Especially for a young person, a naming will hopefully start their journey of thinking critically and finding their true selves. That might mean when they are older they find the faith or belief system that works best for them, doing so intentionally and making themselves authentic in their worldview.
What about boat, yacht, building namings, or even naming something symbolic such as a regimental colour or squadron standard? These can all be named in a secular, inclusive and meaningful way, that allows all those present – regardless of personal worldview – to enjoy the occasion and feel involved.
A naming will normally last between 10-20 minutes. They can include just me and the subject of the naming, or they can include lots of people, readings, songs and other activities. We can do symbolic gestures such as sand-pouring, wall-building or anything else that takes your fancy. Just enquire, and you’ll be surprised at the realms of the possible…