Making sure it is the best worst ‘Goodbye’ it can be. Meaningful & Memorable.


When a friend or loved one dies we are often faced with the grief stricken and heart breaking process of organising their funeral. However, if the person you are organising the ceremony for was not religious, it can sometimes feel like the more traditional aspects of funerals, such as hymns and prayers are not quite right or suitable.

Perhaps you may even be considering your own funeral for whatever reason and are just not keen on following the traditional route. You may be curious to understand the options available to you and have questions about what a Humanist~Non-Religious funeral is and how it works.
Well, a Humanist~Non-Religious funeral is person centred, aiming to be memorable and meaningful. All elements of the ceremony are focused on celebrating and remembering the person who has died.
Ceremonies can include one or more beautiful and fitting verbal tributes; often retelling life stories and touching on memories long forgotten that can make people smile and cry. Music and song can also be chosen to encapsulate the memory and character of the person. It may bring tears, toe tapping or even both to the ceremony!  Poems and readings can also be included to help soothe the grief and emotions of those who are struggling to deal with the loss of a loved one.
All these elements are aimed at allowing and supporting those in attendance to grieve and help process the emotions that come with saying ‘Goodbye.’ Ceremonies can be all this and more…..or less, depending on what is needed. It can be a bright, colourful, vibrant celebration or a peaceful, quiet remembrance.  However, the main aim is to focus on the person who has died- so their life, achievements, relationships and ultimately their memory is beautifully celebrated and preserved.
Caroline Funeral Celebrant
As a Celebrant my role is to achieve all of this for you. I dedicate my time and energy to hold and lead this ceremony and space for you, family members and friends. I have the responsibility and honour of working alongside you to create the most meaningful, memorable and beautiful ceremony possible. Making sure it is the best worst ‘Goodbye’ it can be…..
If you are in need of my services or have any questions please feel free to contact me on 07930 924149
Or feel free to email me on and I will be most happy to help.