Biscuits anyone?

Lovely, lovely wedding today at Voewood House

Voewood is the most stunning Arts and Crafts house in North Norfolk – funnily enough we were lucky to go there last November after our friends’ wedding – guests decamped and had a weekend party to end all parties.  I was mighty glad of the ‘Rose Bedroom’ when the time came to hang up my dancing shoes.

Today I was not the celebrant, instead it was the lovely Mags Allison, another Humanist celebrant in Norfolk.  She and the couple were kind enough to let me be there.

What were the highlights?  First, the biscuits.  As the guests entered – about 45 minutes before the bride arrived – we were treated to a groaning table of biscuits. Shortbread, jammy dodgers, pink wafers, custard cremes, the lot. Oh – and oodles of Pimm’s.  What a great start to the wedding!

The bride was stunning, the groom handsome and the ceremony was funny, touching and memorable.