About Hope Kelly




Hello and welcome! Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Hope, and I’m a Humanist Wedding & Naming (& soon-to-be Funeral) Celebrant, trained and accredited by Humanists UK. I’m based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but I’m a keen traveler for both business and pleasure, so I would be happy to discuss the option of ceremonies further afield. My “second home” is St. Ives, Cornwall so I would be particularly delighted to conduct a Humanist Ceremony by the seaside. 💙








I first came across Humanism when researching options for my wedding ceremony. My now husband and I wanted to reflect our values and beliefs, as we legally and literally ‘tied the knot’. It was very important to us both, as a couple, that we could celebrate such a significant moment in our lives in a personal and non-religious manner. I, in particular, felt that making a promise before a ‘God’ that I didn’t believe in was the same as making a false promise to my husband, and lacked meaning to us as a couple. However, we were keen for the ceremony to maintain inclusivity, and respect the beliefs of all guests in attendance.

Every one of us is unique, even from birth, therefore, I believe in writing a bespoke script, celebrating the individual’s birth and life so far and their relationship with those closest to them.

One of the benefits of having a Humanist Ceremony is being able to choose a Celebrant that you feel a connection to, so here’s a little bit more about me to help you decide if I might be a good fit…



♡ I live with my wonderful husband, 4 dogs, and a 3-legged cat, so I’m truly an animal lover (see below for a photo of my fur babies)!

Oakley, Lily, Aspen & Blossom 😍



♡ My husband and I enjoy opening our home to others and are currently hosting two Ukrainian refugees. We also host various international students throughout the year which is a great way to meet new people and learn about different cultures.

♡ I, myself spent a year living and studying abroad, in Montana, USA, which was a dream! So a special welcome to any Montanans wanting to (legally) elope to the Emerald Isle. 💚

♡ I love going out for dinner, watching movies, cuddling up on the sofa with a fluffy blanket (or dog), going camping, and sea swimming.

♡ Growing up, I was a keen Irish dancer and Girl Guide.

♡ Words I would use to describe myself: kind, caring, thoughtful, dog-crazy, chocoholic, resourceful, humanist, and hyper-organised.

♡ Words my husband would use to describe me: kind, caring, thoughtful, adventurous, opportunistic, stubborn, logical, and determined.




♡ Chocolate, pizza, puppies, cocktails, and prosecco are my weaknesses.

My idea of work-life balance!


♡ I’m also a registered, Specialist Occupational Therapist, working part-time for the NHS. Therefore, upon request, I am pleased to offer any fellow NHS workers a discounted ceremony fee when booking.

♡ The highlight of my Celebrant career to date was being asked to officiate my sister and her fiance’s wedding in December 2025. 💗



If I sound like I could be the right fit for you and your ceremony, please feel free to get in touch. The best way to get in contact with me is via email, but I’m also on Facebook & Instagram – ‘Humanist Celebrant Hope’ so give me a follow. ♥





I look forward to hopefully hearing from you soon! 💕