About Julia Bolden

Photograph of Julia Bolden

Julia Bolden

N athan and Poppy and Freya and Jake,

A va and Henry and Sophie and Blake,

M illie and Mason can all have their day,

E ach parent celebrates in their own way.








It’s not ABOUT ME but this is who I am

My job is to make your ceremony about you and your child and to welcome the family and friends you choose to include in your special day. To help you decide if I’m the right person to do this, here is a bit about me:

I trained as a celebrant because I enjoy meeting people and hearing their stories and because my first loves are writing and speaking, so I derive great pleasure from finding the right combination of words for the occasion and using them to best effect.

My own parenting journey began as a single mum. Once she arrived, my initially perturbed parents were besotted with their granddaughter but, sadly, both died when she was very young. By then, I had married David and, when Gemma was four, her baby sister, Bianca arrived. Having grown up as an only child, it has always felt like a huge privilege to me having two daughters and watching them develop their own special bond. I brought them up to express themselves freely and to ask my opinion but to make their own choices. They are both now in their thirties and my husband and I are long-separated but we still make a point of arranging frequent family get-togethers, which all four of us really value.

As for the non-religious part, I was brought up by a C of E Mum and an agnostic Dad with an Irish Roman Catholic background. I became a Christian on a school Christian Union house party and spent many years with one foot in C of E formality and the other in evangelical fellowship groups. I gradually conceded that neither felt real to me and made a long slow journey to what I eventually realised is known as humanism; a belief that this life is all there is and we have to make the most of it, and that you can be a kind, caring person without the threat of punishment or the promise of reward.

What can I, as a Humanist Naming Celebrant, do for you?

C ollaborate with you to plan and write a unique ceremony, centred around your child.

E xpress what you want said about your journey to parenthood, your child and your hopes for their future.

L isten to what you do and don’t want included in your ceremony and plan it accordingly.

E ncourage and facilitate participation by family members, including children, if desired.

B e supportive in preparing any parental and/or guide parent promises you want to include.

R ecommend suitable poems and readings and/or write a personalised poem featuring your child’s name.

A ddress and resolve any queries or changes you wish to make, once I have written a script.

N egotiate the practicalities of incorporating any symbolic acts you want included.

T ake the lead on the day and ensure all goes smoothly, while remaining flexible.

I would love to hear your story and to work with you to shape the ceremony you want, in celebration of your child. Give me a call or text me on 07736 461616 or e-mail me at julia.bolden@humanistceremonies.org.uk to start the conversation.