About Julia Cadogan

Julia Cadogan
Thank you for visiting my website !
I am here to make sure your wedding ceremony is exactly as you want it to be .
I will work with you to make sure this happens so that your special day is all about you as individuals and as a couple.
Humanist UK weddings are all about giving you the freedom to choose where and how to celebrate your relationship with family and friends. This may include hand fasting using ribbons, readings and poems, live or recorded music or even collective singing !
I will help you to work out what to include and will always give you tips and guidance .
I will chat to you as much as you wish during the planning stages and will give you a beautiful printed copy of the ceremony after the wedding .
Please get in touch if you would like to chat about things in more detail before making any decisions
My aim is to make sure that your ceremony is a joyous beginning to a new chapter in your lives.
Contact Julia
Telephone: 07905226510
Jucadogan@aol.co.uk or Julia.cadogan@humanistceremonies.org.uk