About me….



DR NICK, as he has long been affectionately known by his students over the years,  came to celebrancy personally in the 1980s making bespoke funerals for a range of friends and their families during the AIDS crisis, and had always been aware of the importance of ritual in our lives to mark key events and rites of passage.  As a youngster he was a cathedral chorister, and though adopting a non-religious conviction in his late teens, he has maintained a belief in the significance of making our own celebrations and meanings through ritual and ceremony.

Humanist ceremonies, whilst being non-religious, are not anti-religion, but  inclusive, and, whilst not inlcuding any statement or act of worship, often draw on text, music and actions from a worldwide range of traditions and cultures to custom-make  beautifully personal ceremonies.  And what couold be better than that for what are often the most memorable moments of our lives ?

Now accredited by Humanists UK for both Wedding and Naming ceremonies, Nick also aims to complete their training and accreditation for Funerals as well  in the coming year,  a status which remains a quality standard for anyone seeking a non-religious ceremony.  The quality of training is first class and highly rigorous. It also brings with it not only personalised attention and content, but also both relevant insurance and a network of support, giving peace of mind and security to clients, allowing you to relax and experience your occasion to the full, free from the worries that can often come with such events.

Nick finds celebrancy quietly and immensely rewarding in making celebrations and ceremonies to fit the individual wishes of his clients and is happy to consider any kind of ethical ceremony beyond the usual.

Above all Nick is able to bring many years experience as a musician, writer and performer to his ceremonies making events that are  humorous, joyful, and memorable, full of sincerity and warmth.   In addition, to individual and family ceremonies Nick also has experience of creating events and ceremonies to tell the story of organisations and institutions, including  the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (a 10th Birthday performance telling LIPA’s story).

Alongside his celebrancy work Nick continues to work as an educator, writer, composer and performer , and has many colleagues in his network to whom he can refer clients for additional services according to a ceremony’s requirements.


Nick has made many fabulous ceremonies specific to members of the LGBTQ+ community and there is a page which specifially addresses this, but of course the Rainbow Celebrations banner ensures that my ceremonies are always inclusive and respectful of everyone involved.