What is a humanist funeral?


Humanists believe that we have one life and that we live that in the best way we can. Humanist funerals serve to celebrate that life, share memories, music and stories, and ultimately help to provide structure and meaning to what friends and family are going through.


Organising a humanist funeral is very much a collaborative process. The celebrant brings the expertise but it is the family who sets the tone and decides the content. A humanist celebrant spends time with the family, listening to them, finding out what is appropriate and authentic, and identifying what is important to them. The aim is to capture the essence of the person and of the life that they lived.



It is important to note that humanist funerals are not at all prescriptive. You don’t have to BE a humanist to commission one. In fact, if family members wish for hymns or prayers to be included, this can be accommodated too. It’s YOUR event, it’s important, and your celebrant is there to help you find whatever is right to honour the person who has died.