
The Happy Couple arrive

The celebrant reads the couple’s story
It is a very happy and exciting time helping people to plan their special day.
There are so many wonderful stories to be told. everyone loves listening to the story about how the couple met. “Love at first sight,” “The course of true love never ran smooth,” “She was the one!”
Everyone’s story is unique.
My aim is to make your story come alive and capture the magic of it all.
“Never be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity, it is perennial as the grass.” (Desiderata)
If you choose me to be your celebrant, I’ll enjoy spending time with you to learn all about your story. This may take a few meetings to get the story just right. Of course we do not have to meet every time, we can email, Facetime, Zoom or simply telephone. We will get the right blend of sentiment, poetry, readings and music to tell your story.
There is no limit to how creative you can be in putting together a truly memorable service.
To share your special story with family and friends.