Would you like your humanist wedding ceremony to be legal in England as it would be in Scotland?

The British Humanist Association is campaigning that people who choose a humanist, personal, non-religious wedding ceremony in England or Wales, should have the choice as to whether that ceremony is all they need to be legally married. Here is a link to the campaign if you wish to add your support to this:  http://campaign.publicaffairsbriefing.co.uk/home.aspx?cid=fee6a338-2cbb-4857-aa51-27527a214bfb

In Scotland all the Humanist Society of Scotland’s accredited celebrants are given a Register to be signed at our wedding ceremonies, and couples may choose a unique humanist wedding ceremony to be their legal ceremony. There will still be couples (for instance those who have already been married abroad) who do not need that legality in our ceremony here, but it would be nice to have the choice. Currently in England and Wales you need to briefly register your marriage (with 32 legal words and signing the register) at your local Council offices, before I help you to design your perfect wedding day with your own humanist wedding ceremony wherever and whenever you are having your reception and party.

In Scotland this wedding venue is defined as anywhere which is “safe and dignified”, so can still be your family garden, local historic house, park, or evening romantic location, just like I help couples to hold their ceremony in today. Would you like to support this campaign? Please click on the link above to join in.