Your data privacy
Privacy statement (the short version)
To perform my role as a wedding celebrant and write your ceremony script, I need to collect a range of personal information from you. This will include things like names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, along with personal stories that you – and, possibly, your friends and family – choose to share with me.
Your information is used only for the particular purpose of producing your unique ceremony. It will not be passed on, or sold, to any other third parties. I will, however, sometimes need to share your script in the following circumstances:
- an anonymised version with my reviewer when I am peer reviewed (as required by the terms of my Accreditation by Humanists UK);
- with other Humanists UK colleagues in the rare and unlikely event that, because of an emergency, I am unable to undertake a ceremony and they will take my place to deliver your ceremony.
I store all your information securely – i.e. all written notes are stored in a locked cabinet. All personal information and scripts are kept on computer files and backed-up to an external hard drive, all of which are encrypted and protected by firewall and passwords. Printed scripts are destroyed after use, except for a single copy, which may be sent to you or a nominated member of your family. No other printed copies are created.
Information about you and your final script copy will be kept for a period of seven years. If you would prefer to have your information deleted sooner, please notify me in writing by email.
Privacy Statement (the long version)
Johnny Coleman
Wedding Celebrant (Accredited by Humanists UK)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. It requires people like myself, who collect and use personal information, to put your mind at rest that I will do so in a manner that protects your privacy and rights.
The GDPR covers the processing of all personal data (defined as any information about or relating to a living, identifiable individual which enables you to identify the person either by itself, or in combination with other information that might be available).
In order to create and deliver a unique and personal humanist ceremony, it is necessary for me to get to know you and your family, and for you to share some personal information with me so, I want to reassure you that I take your privacy very seriously and that I will treat your data with the utmost care and will only use, or share it, for the purposes agreed with you in advance.
I have reviewed the way I collect, use, store and process personal information and have put together this Data Privacy Notice to explain exactly what I do with your information, and why. It describes:
- The legal basis I rely on to use your information.
- A description of the types of information I may hold and how it is used.
- How information is stored and for how long.
- How information is erased.
- Any third parties with whom the information may be disclosed.
- Your rights relating to the information I hold about you, including access and accuracy.
- My contact details should you have any queries or concerns.
I will ask you to give explicit consent (either by a signed document or by email consent) for me to process the information in the manner(s) described and to identify any exclusions to those permissions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Legal Basis for Collecting and Storing Personal Information
In the course of my business of preparing and conducting humanist ceremonies, I collect and process personal information about my customers, their families and possibly other people.
The Information Commissioner’s Office has confirmed (12.3.18) that Legitimate Useis an acceptable basis for storing all data in order to conduct a ceremony, including data belonging to family or friends who are living and are not the customer (i.e. the person/people who have contracted me to write and deliver a ceremony).
‘Special Category’ Information
‘Special Category’ means sensitive information which may have been shared for inclusion in the ceremony, which relates to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a trade union, sex life, religion or belief, physical or mental health condition of a living person.
In order to meet the requirements of GDPR for processing Special Category data, one of two conditions must be met:
- explicit consentmust be given for the processing of those personal data for a specific purpose or purposes. OR
- Processing relates to data which are manifestly made public by the data subject
This means that if any ‘Special Category’ information is provided to me and included in the ceremony, I do not need to request specific consent as it is being ‘made public by the data subject’ and so meets condition (2) for processing.
What data do I collect?
Names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, details of people’s lives including relationships with other people, activities such as work, leisure activities and if applicable political, trade union or activities in relation to religion or belief. The form of this data is as follows:
- Paper and electronic copies of scripts
- I complete a form by hand when conducting meetings and take additional notes. This is used to prepare the ceremony script.
- Additional notes I make (paper) during face to face, phone and Skype/FaceTime meetings
- Emails
- Text messages
- A GDPR consent form (as part of a contract for delivery of services) that I ask all clients to complete.
What I do with Data
I write and conduct ceremonies and keep records for business purposes.
After the ceremony the only paper record I keep is the signed contract/GPDR permission form.
I delete all electronic copies of scripts and notes except for the final copy of the script.
Who I share it with
I occasionally take photographs at the ceremonies and may use these for marketing purposes and/or to help future clients (e.g. an unusual seating arrangement that others might like to consider) but these never include guests or clients unless I have specifically asked for permission.
I may share information at the customer’s request, with other family members or friends of the customer.
Scripts may be shared with my Humanists UK colleagues, particularly to assist trainees and for CPD, but will always be anonymised.
How I store data
- I keep paper records relating to ceremonies in progress in a locked filing cabinet.
- I keep electronic files (including ceremony scripts) on a laptop, which is password protected and files are encrypted.
- When I am peer reviewed, as required by the terms of my Accreditation by Humanists UK, I share the script with my reviewer. They will destroy all copies (electronic and printed) once the review has been completed.
- I keep your contact details (email address, mobile numbers etc.) on my phone, iPad and laptop, all of which are password protected.
- I am self-employed and so keep detailed records of income and expenditure. However, in my accounts I refer only to the first name(s) of clients and the date and location of the ceremony. In my spreadsheet of mileage I refer only to the postcode travelled to and the first name(s) of the client.
- My laptop is backed-up daily on to an external hard drive, which is password protected and encrypted.
- My email can also be accessed from my other devices (including mobile phone and iPad). All such devices are password protected.
How long I keep information for
What it is | How long it’s kept and how | How is it disposed of |
Contracts/GDPR data consent forms (paper copies) | 7 years from date of ceremony
In locked cabinet. |
Shredded |
Contracts/GDPR data consent forms (email copies) | 7 years from date of ceremony
on password-protected laptop, encrypted files. |
Deleted |
Emails from customers
1 month after ceremony | Deleted |
Emails from enquirers or notes from phone calls (no ceremony booked) | 6 months after contact when this has not resulted in a booking | Deleted |
Paper copy of Script (for my use at the ceremony) | Locked cabinet, until 48 hours after ceremony | Shredded |
Presentation paper copy of Script (one copy only) | Given to customer | At discretion of customer |
Electronic copy of final script | Password protected laptop.
Anonymised and kept indefinitely unless requested otherwise. |
Deleted at the request of the client. |
Contact details including Name address, tel number and email address, on laptop and phone | Indefinitely with specific consent. Otherwise deleted after ceremony | Deleted within 48 hours of ceremony. |
Photographs of ceremony venues / set up etc. (without people) | Indefinitely | Not taken if specifically requested or, if requested, deleted within 48 hours of the request. |
Access to the information I hold about you
Customers may request access to the information I hold about them at any time, and I will provide this within one month of the request. You may request that your information is deleted, and I will do so within 48 hours of any request.
Specific Consent for the use of photographs for marketing purposes, may be given for a limited period of time, and may be withdrawn by you at any time. Should Consent be withdrawn, photographs will be deleted from my website/Facebook or other medium within 48 hours of receiving a request. Where photographs have been used in printed form e.g. leaflet, poster, further copies will not be printed.
Further information/complaints
You can find out more about the GDPR on the website of the Office of the Information Commissioner
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
- Humanists UK
- The Information Commissioner’s Office
Reviewing this Privacy Statement
This webpage is hosted by Humanists UK and administered by Johnny Coleman, Humanist Celebrant. This statement was produced on 11thMay 2018 and will be reviewed on 11thMay 2019
If you have any questions about this policy or the information I hold about you, please contact me:
Johnny Coleman
Tel. 07792 357212