About Leigh Chambers

_DSC1293I have been working as a humanist celebrant, performing weddings and baby namings since 2003. I first came into contact properly with humanism (having vaguely been aware of it but not sure what it was all about) in 2000 when my (former) husband and I decided to marry. Though neither of us was religious we wanted something more than a civil service, something that was meaningful and personal to us, celebratory and positive. I contacted the BHA (now Humanists UK) who put me in touch with a lovely celebrant. Six months later, she conducted a ceremony that could not have been more perfect. Many of those who were there that day said it was the best wedding they had ever been to, including their own! It certainly allowed us to say everything we felt about one another and all those who had come to join us.

Two years later and we were on the lookout for a ceremony again, this time to mark the birth and naming of our daughter. With such positive memories of our wedding it was an easy decision to contact the BHA again. The naming ceremony was another success, allowing us to welcome her to the world in a loving and personal way. Now she has grown up and loves to read the script of her ceremony, and the promises and commitments we made to her that day. I decided then that I wanted humanism to be a bigger part of my life. And three years later, as a BHA accredited celebrant, I wrote the naming ceremony for our second daughter.

I think most non-religious people are humanists if they but knew it and it’s great to talk to people about humanism and its philosophy. I’m often told at the start of a ceremony that there may be some guests hostile to the idea of a humanist ceremony – believing that the only proper ceremony is a religious one. Invariably, they are the people who come to me afterwards to say how much they enjoyed it. Some assume that because a ceremony is non-religious it will be negative, about being ‘not something’. This could not be further from the truth. Humanist ceremonies are life-affirming and spiritual, yes spiritual, occasions. Each one is unique and individual to those taking part and reflects their lives, beliefs and relationships.

I enjoy all aspects of being a celebrant – meeting people, writing the ceremony, and conducting the ceremony itself. It is an immense honour and privilege to play such an important role on someone’s special day and to be allowed into their lives at these life-changing moments. I work hard to make sure that each ceremony is right for the couple or family concerned and nothing makes me happier than knowing that I have done a good job for them.

When I’m not being a celebrant I’m still working with words, running a business as a freelance editor/writer, and completing my second novel which will be published by Neem Tree Press in April 2026 (www.leighchambers.org.uk).

If you are thinking about having a humanist wedding or naming ceremony, or are acting on behalf of someone who wanted a humanist funeral, or just want to talk about humanism, then do give me a call.