A Message of Hope

Life‘, by Michael McAlinden



Say ‘Hello’ to yourself!

“How do you do?”

There’s nobody on earth who’s

more you-er

Than you!


This is your life

That’s a fact,

But what’s really important

Is the way you act.


It’s not always easy

We all agree.

So what’s important

Is for me to be me.


What’s the purpose of life?

I hear you say.

This is my thinking

I’ll have no fear.


To be generous of spirit,

To help others belong,

To be of service to others,

To challenge what’s wrong.


Our lives are short

So master a skill.

Be proud of your strengths

Give others a thrill!


It’s not about being the

Fastest, strongest or smartest Sue

Its about being the bestest

Version of you!


It’s about making mistakes

But still having a go.

Trying out new things

That’s what makes us grow.


It’s about making friends

Having a laugh.

It’s giving comfort to others

That’s never naff.

Make happiness your priority

You are an amazing human being

I say this with authority

Look after your wellbeing.


Each day can be beautiful

Don’t you fret.

All you need

Is a positive mindset.


So if, some days  you

reach the end of your rope.

Tie a knot in the end

You always have hope.


Let hope not your hurts

Shape your time here on earth.

Be the master of your destiny

You’re a person of worth.


Keep your chin up kid

Keep moving forward.

With experience you’ll learn

Life is never straightforward.


With the help of your friends

These stormy days will pass.

Learn to dance in the rain

That too can be gas!


Look to your future

See what you can sow.

You can weather the storm,

And come out of it a
