

Your wedding day

Most people describe their wedding as the best day of their lives. As a humanist celebrant, I want to make sure that this really is true.

With a humanist wedding, you will be involved in all the major decisions about your wedding day.

When a couple decide that they would like me to conduct their wedding ceremony, I always arrange to meet them. I want to find out about them as individuals, about them as a couple, and the story of their relationship. That way I can build a script for the wedding that really is personal to them. No two weddings are the same.

With a humanist wedding, you have total choice of venue for the ceremony;  it can be in a hotel, castle, village hall, on a beach, or a mountain top!

To get a feel for what a humanist wedding is all about, watch the video below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email.

Note: As the law currently stands, humanist weddings are not legally recognised in Wales (or England) so you do have to make your own arrangements with the local registry office if you want legal recognition of your status as a married couple. We are hopeful that this will change in the future.