About Douglas Duckworth
Hello I’m Doug, I’m a humanist celebrant based in Newark and I conduct ceremonies in the East Midlands and London. I also spend time in Italy where I know the culture very well and do humanist services too.
I’ve done lots of different jobs in my life including gravedigger, customs officer, accountant, actor and teacher of English and I’ve travelled widely in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. I’ve never believed in a god, it’s just not in me, but I don’t have a problem with people that do. From 2016 to 2019 I combined celebrancy with being a “Faith Adviser” on the Lincoln University Chaplaincy team, working side by side with priests, imams and other religious leaders providing advice and guidance to students. Since August 2022 I’ve been a member of Humanist UK’s celebrant training team and in 2023 I became volunteer chaplain at Beaumond House, Newark’s wonderful local hospice.
I love being a celebrant, because when the job is done well it improves the quality of people’s lives by allowing them to look back on a major life event with positive memories and a feeling that justice was done to the occasion. As a celebrant I see myself as a conduit for other people’s thoughts and feelings, offering ideas and suggestions only when they are needed. It is most definitely not my role to judge people or impose on them my taste, culture, philosophy or opinions.
If you’d like to have a chat then please ‘phone or email me. I won’t put you under any pressure and I think I’m a good listener.
As well as this Humanists UK site and my main celebrant website douglasduckworth.com I’ve also maintained a travel blog on and off for twenty odd years under the name Lococontadino.

Barges taking firewood down the Ganges for the pyres at Varanasi. You don’t have to believe in a god to be awed by ancient places and rituals.