How to Plan Your Own Funeral


People also often chat to me at the end of ceremonies though sometimes there is more to talk about…  I’m happy to answer your questions on planning, whether just curiosity or looking to actively put plans in place.  

Putting plans in place may simply be about making sure wishes are followed or, perhaps a way of coming to terms with a terminal diagnosis.  My Humanists UK colleague Kate wrote about Thinking Ahead To Your Own Funeral in our Blog:

I’ll support you and your loved ones with whatever feels right.  Anything from a chat on the phone, to exploring ceremony content or drafting a whole script.

“Many thanks for the draft of the service, which is just so lovely, and yes, it did make us both cry.  We were both so touched by the beautiful story that you have told and that you have fully understood just how wonderful our relationship has been and just how much our families and friends mean to us both.”

People tell me that planing like this provides a sense of relief and, it is one more thing ‘dealt with’ for their family.  The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from them, their family and friends.

“Once again, thank you so much for all your help and hard work in this matter Louise.  Together with your whole approach and way of working, it has been greatly appreciated.”

Your sincere and sympathetic approach was hugely comforting and had [his] philosophy at the heart of it all.  It will help us in our lives moving forward.”

If planning ahead is an option that you might like to explore, or you just have a question, get in touch: 07966 509207 (Louise’s mobile) / (Louise’s email)


Humanists UK ‘Planning your own funeral ceremony’: