
Celebrating such a significant event as the arrival of a child is important. A naming ceremony is a lovely and important part of a child’s introduction to the wider family and friends. It is an occasion that will be remembered by those present and the child being named will perhaps gain comfort and security in knowing that they were welcomed in this way.
Every carefully written naming is individual and is very much guided by the parent’s wishes. I will meet with you to discuss the celebration and will then create a ceremony, which you approve before the special day. The ceremony can combine music, readings, poetry, symbolic acts / rituals, guide parents, parents’ promises to make it special and right for your child(ren) and for your family.
It is not unusual to have double or even triple ceremonies where older siblings are celebrated
along with more recent arrivals.
Namings can be conducted in many different venues, I have led them in community centres, pubs, formal gardens, back gardens, a museum, on the beach, every one has been individual and a pleasure to lead!
Namings can be for:
- Babies and young children
- Older children
- Adoptions
- New Families
- New Identities