Other Humanist activities

I do other work related to Humanism:Humanist Celebrant Berkshire

– I’m an occasional Pastoral Support Volunteer
(non-religious pastoral care e.g. in hospices and care homes)
– I’m a visiting Schools Speaker, to primary and secondary schools
e.g. giving an assembly
– I’m a Trainer for our new Funerals celebrants, for courses and workshops in Mentoring, and for training our schools speakers
– I’m an Accreditation Observer, assessing probationally-qualified celebrants
to become fully accredited as Funeral or Namings Celebrants
– I’m a Mentor (informal guidance) for trainee celebrants

You can rest assured about the standard of the work you’ll receive. I’m trained, accredited and insured by © Humanists UK 2017, as part of their HUMANIST CEREMONIES™ network.
This guarantees that you’ll get the quality services of a professional, who’s undertaken a rigorous training and assessment programme, is required to participate in regular CPD (continuing professional development) activities every year and is observed conducting each of their ceremony types, once every three years, by a colleague (peer reviews).
In addition, it means you can rely on a local network of colleagues, who support each other and step in if things take a turn for the unexpected!

Interested in quality over quantity? I choose to limit the number of ceremonies I do each year, so you’ll get my full attention.